Export geospatial annotations

How to export geospatial annotations and annotation export formats.

Export as JSON

# Set the export params to include/exclude certain fields. export_params= { "attachments": True, "metadata_fields": True, "data_row_details": True, "project_details": True, "label_details": True, "performance_details": True, "interpolated_frames": True } # Note: Filters follow AND logic, so typically using one filter is sufficient. filters= { "last_activity_at": ["2000-01-01 00:00:00", "2050-01-01 00:00:00"], "workflow_status": "<wkf-status>" } export_task = project.export(params=export_params, filters=filters) export_task.wait_till_done() # Stream the export using a callback function def json_stream_handler(output: labelbox.BufferedJsonConverterOutput): print(output.json) export_task.get_buffered_stream(stream_type=labelbox.StreamType.RESULT).start(stream_handler=json_stream_handler) # Collect all exported data into a list export_json = [data_row.json for data_row in export_task.get_buffered_stream()] print("file size: ", export_task.get_total_file_size(stream_type=lb.StreamType.RESULT)) print("line count: ", export_task.get_total_lines(stream_type=lb.StreamType.RESULT))

Annotation export formats

Bounding box

The bounding box coordinates are returned in the following order:

  • bottom left
  • top left
  • top right
  • bottom right
  • bottom left

All coordinates are provided in [long, lat]

{ "feature_id": "clutzcu3t0or4148po04q689s", "feature_schema_id": "clutzceve001k0701bpescb12", "name": "bbox_geo", "value": "bbox_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoBoundingBox", "classifications": [], "geojson": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -99.207466, 19.397994 ], [ -99.207466, 19.399259 ], [ -99.205685, 19.399259 ], [ -99.205685, 19.397994 ], [ -99.207466, 19.397994 ] ] ] } }


All coordinates are provided in [long, lat]

{ "feature_id": "clutzcu3t0or1148px42yj5ld", "feature_schema_id": "clutzcevd001c07018wofd88r", "name": "point_geo", "value": "point_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoPoint", "classifications": [], "geojson": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -99.206479, 19.40018 ] } }


All coordinates are provided in [long, lat]

{ "feature_id": "clutzcu3t0or2148p3v3crfp0", "feature_schema_id": "clutzcevd001e070148gedtyj", "name": "polyline_geo", "value": "polyline_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoPolyline", "classifications": [], "geojson": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -99.208421, 19.400322 ], [ -99.208099, 19.39759 ], [ -99.207584, 19.397762 ], [ -99.207283, 19.397327 ] ] } }


All coordinates are provided in [long, lat].

The order of the coordinates is based on the sequence of points when drawn.

{ "feature_id": "clutzcu3t0org148p7p5fvazc", "feature_schema_id": "clutzceve001i07014eazfofw", "name": "polygon_geo_2", "value": "polygon_geo_2", "annotation_kind": "GeoPolygon", "classifications": [], "geojson": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -99.206045, 19.396804 ], [ -99.206045, 19.396662 ], [ -99.20582, 19.396662 ], [ -99.20582, 19.396804 ], [ -99.206045, 19.396804 ] ] ] } }

Classification - Radio

{ "feature_id": "clutzcu3t0or5148poyka73v0", "feature_schema_id": "clutzcevf00240701aqil93c1", "name": "radio_question_geo", "value": "radio_question_geo", "radio_answer": { "feature_id": "clutzcu3t0or6148pl8mwljss", "feature_schema_id": "clutzcevf00250701fd0g59rp", "name": "first_radio_answer", "value": "first_radio_answer", "classifications": [] } }

Classification - Checklist

{ "feature_id": "clutzcu3t0orc148pg6ybpnuz", "feature_schema_id": "clutzcevf001w070195dtaip4", "name": "checklist_question_geo", "value": "checklist_question_geo", "checklist_answers": [ { "feature_id": "clutzcu3t0ord148ps02kawmq", "feature_schema_id": "clutzcevf001x0701aps7gmtc", "name": "first_checklist_answer", "value": "first_checklist_answer", "classifications": [] }, { "feature_id": "clutzcu3t0ore148pyfraw16x", "feature_schema_id": "clutzcevf001z0701gxqm8w12", "name": "second_checklist_answer", "value": "second_checklist_answer", "classifications": [] }, { "feature_id": "clutzcu3t0orf148p4curv80a", "feature_schema_id": "clutzcevf002107010x0g6um1", "name": "third_checklist_answer", "value": "third_checklist_answer", "classifications": [] } ] }

Classification - Free-form text

{ "feature_id": "cldne8lok01w413yd5mgbxd66", "name": "free_text", "text_answer": { "content": "sample text" } }

Sample project export

{ "data_row": { "id": "cldnf9zmt0d7n075ohgnvecul", "row_data": "{\"tileLayerUrl\":\"https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/satellite-streets-v11/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoibWFwYm94IiwiYSI6ImNpejY4NXVycTA2emYycXBndHRqcmZ3N3gifQ.rJcFIG214AriISLbB6B5aw\",\"bounds\":[[-122.31764674186705,37.87276155898985],[-122.31635199317932,37.87398109727749]],\"minZoom\":17,\"maxZoom\":23,\"maxNativeZoom\":null,\"epsg\":\"EPSG4326\",\"tileSize\":256,\"alternativeLayers\":[],\"version\":2}", "details": { "dataset_id": "cldnf9yvd041f070d33t94f41", "dataset_name": "geotiff_noaa.json", "created_at": "2023-02-02", "updated_at": "2023-02-02", "created_by": "kyang@labelbox.com" } }, "media_attributes": { "mime_type": "application/x-tms-geo" }, "attachments": [], "metadata_fields": [], "projects": { "cldnfa25103kd081ph3edg7xp": { "project_name": "geospatial_project_demo", "labels": [ { "label_kind": "Default", "version": "1.0.0", "id": "cldnfc62h029b13ydq6bgvyak", "label_details": { "created_at": "2023-02-02T18:21:40+00:00", "updated_at": "2023-02-02T18:21:40+00:00", "created_by": "kyang@labelbox.com", "reviews": [] }, "performance_details": { "seconds_to_create": 0, "seconds_to_review": 0, "skipped": false }, "annotations": { "objects": [ { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v028v13ydwgha3a1d", "name": "point_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoPoint", "classifications": [], "geojson": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -122.31741, 37.873557 ] } }, { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v028w13ydnbm7vl2q", "name": "polyline_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoPolyline", "classifications": [], "geojson": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -122.317578, 37.873963 ], [ -122.316398, 37.873967 ], [ -122.31639, 37.872779 ] ] } }, { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v028x13yd5swk0drd", "name": "polygon_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoPolygon", "classifications": [], "geojson": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -122.316918, 37.87329 ], [ -122.317102, 37.873043 ], [ -122.316801, 37.873036 ], [ -122.316918, 37.87329 ] ] ] } }, { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v028y13yd41qozic7", "name": "bbox_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoBoundingBox", "classifications": [], "geojson": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -122.317345, 37.873713 ], [ -122.317345, 37.873859 ], [ -122.31673, 37.873859 ], [ -122.31673, 37.873713 ], [ -122.317345, 37.873713 ] ] ] } }, { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029113ydvc788rx9", "name": "bbox_checklist_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoBoundingBox", "classifications": [ { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029213yd344u0cyk", "name": "checklist_class_name", "checklist_answers": [ { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029313yda92qm39k", "name": "first_checklist_answer", "classifications": [] } ] } ], "geojson": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -122.317113, 37.873402 ], [ -122.317113, 37.873608 ], [ -122.316655, 37.873608 ], [ -122.316655, 37.873402 ], [ -122.317113, 37.873402 ] ] ] } }, { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029413yd5lgevg2c", "name": "bbox_text_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoBoundingBox", "classifications": [ { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029513ydmluqvqyt", "name": "free_text_geo", "text_answer": { "content": "sample text" } } ], "geojson": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -122.317508, 37.873182 ], [ -122.317508, 37.87338 ], [ -122.3171, 37.87338 ], [ -122.3171, 37.873182 ], [ -122.317508, 37.873182 ] ] ] } }, { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029a13ydmog1dhzw", "name": "polygon_geo_2", "annotation_kind": "GeoPolygon", "classifications": [], "geojson": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -122.316362, 37.872966 ], [ -122.316362, 37.872948 ], [ -122.316356, 37.872948 ], [ -122.316356, 37.872966 ], [ -122.316362, 37.872966 ] ] ] } } ], "classifications": [ { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v028z13ydy0xcffbj", "name": "radio_question_geo", "radio_answer": { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029013ydj55ek20y", "name": "first_radio_answer", "classifications": [] } }, { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029613ydu76vcgbt", "name": "checklist_question_geo", "checklist_answers": [ { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029713yd5x16lyg3", "name": "first_checklist_answer", "classifications": [] }, { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029813ydcsx4mc2t", "name": "second_checklist_answer", "classifications": [] }, { "feature_id": "cldnfc61v029913yd2smfzpft", "name": "third_checklist_answer", "classifications": [] } ] } ], "relationships": [] } } ], "project_details": { "ontology_id": "cl8emhd3e7bll070k6gbicl97", "task_id": "fdc4b3d2-e0fe-41dc-bdef-0dd556870a20", "task_name": "Initial review task", "batch_id": "cc4e7070-f20e-11ed-9dd9-639c7e9f70ba", "batch_name": "geotiff_noaa.json-cl8emco177d5g07y8e06j4acp", "workflow_status": "IN_REVIEW", "priority": 5, "consensus_expected_label_count": 3, "workflow_history": [ { "action": "Move", "created_at": "2023-05-14T04:21:29.062+00:00", "created_by": "ptancre+10@labelbox.com", "previous_task_name": "Initial labeling task", "previous_task_id": "0dde450a-93ba-0b77-b97e-de8f7f479cee", "next_task_name": "Initial review task", "next_task_id": 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Sample model run export

{ "data_row": { "id": "clfh28su81agn07623rql6j44", "global_key": "slippy_maps", "row_data": "{\"tileLayerUrl\":\"https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/satellite-streets-v11/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoibWFwYm94IiwiYSI6ImNpejY4NXVycTA2emYycXBndHRqcmZ3N3gifQ.rJcFIG214AriISLbB6B5aw\",\"bounds\":[[-122.31764674186705,37.87276155898985],[-122.31635199317932,37.87398109727749]],\"minZoom\":17,\"maxZoom\":23,\"maxNativeZoom\":null,\"epsg\":\"EPSG4326\",\"tileSize\":256,\"alternativeLayers\":[],\"version\":2}", "details": { "dataset_id": "clfh28rib089g07134eqx03ew", "dataset_name": "geo_demo_dataset", "created_at": "2023-03-20T16:47:55.000+00:00", "updated_at": "2023-03-20T16:47:55.000+00:00", "created_by": "labelbox.public.user@labelbox.com" } }, "media_attributes": { "mime_type": "application/x-tms-geo" }, "attachments": [], "metadata_fields": [], "experiments": { "a15bda50-b901-02e0-07d6-e842d13b3f47": { "name": "geospatial_model_run_1f54f23a-0359-4f18-b3ec-808a6181a4fd", "runs": { "a15bda50-fd4e-06ff-8f9b-762516cf58c8": { "name": "iteration 1", "run_data_row_id": "247e2c89-0e82-4662-a757-5f7cfa07a8fd", "labels": [ { "label_kind": "Default", "version": "1.0.0", "id": "clhs22mh25b4d142bagekzwlv", "annotations": { "objects": [ { "feature_id": "12527b8c-e5c5-4cd5-9266-c6a1d90ef14c", "feature_schema_id": "clhs21cpy0c6t07y1fof39vn7", "name": "point_geo", "value": "point_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoPoint", "classifications": [], "geojson": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -122.31741, 37.873557 ] } }, { "feature_id": "185de2b0-fca0-48fc-9f3c-982e1487ce13", "feature_schema_id": "clhs21cpy0c7307y1dg174k0l", "name": "bbox_checklist_geo", "value": "bbox_checklist_geo", "annotation_kind": "GeoBoundingBox", "classifications": [ { "feature_id": "d2809ef9-01ae-4ad7-a4d0-1fee6938e186", "feature_schema_id": "clhs21cpy0c7407y1gl9g9ver", "name": "checklist_class_name", "value": "checklist_class_name", "checklist_answers": [ { "feature_id": 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