
Developer guide for creating and modifying batches via the Python SDK.


import labelbox as lb
client = lb.Client(api_key="<YOUR_API_KEY>")


Create a batch

Batch creation is a method of the Project class.

When creating a batch to send to a project, one of either global_keys or data_rows must be supplied as an argument. If using the data_rows argument, you can supply either a list of data row IDs or a list of DataRow class objects.

Optionally, you can supply a priority, ranging from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest), for which the batch should be labeled. This will determine the order in which the included data rows appear in the labeling queue compared to other batches. If no value is provided, the batch will assume the lowest priority.

  global_keys=["key1", "key2", "key3"],

# if the project uses consensus, you can optionally supply a dictionary with consensus settings
# if provided, the batch will use consensus with the specificed coverage and votes
  data_rows=["<data_row_id>", "<data_row_id>"],
  consensus_settings={"number_of_labels": 3, "coverage_percentage": 0.1}

Create multiple batches

The project.create_batches() method accepts up to 1 million data rows. Batches are chunked into groups of 100k data rows (if necessary), which is the maximum batch size.

This method takes in a list of either data row IDs or DataRowobjects into a data_rows argument or global keys into a global_keys argument, but both approaches cannot be used in the same method. Batches will be created with the specified name_prefix argument and a unique suffix to ensure unique batch names. The suffix will be a 4-digit number starting at 0000.

For example, if the name prefix is demo-create-batches- and three batches are created, the names will be demo-create-batches-0000, demo-create-batches-0001, and demo-create-batches-0002. This method will throw an error if a batch with the same name already exists.

task = project.create_batches(

print("Errors: ", task.errors())
print("Result: ", task.result())

Create batches from a dataset

If you wish to create batches in a project using all the data rows of a dataset, instead of gathering global keys or IDs and iterating over subsets of data rows, you can use the project.create_batches_from_dataset() method.

This method takes in a dataset ID and creates a batch (or batches if there are more than 100k data rows) comprised of all data rows not already in the project. The same logic applies to the name_prefix argument and the naming of batches as described in the section immediately above.

dataset = client.get_dataset("<dataset_id>")

task = project.create_batches_from_dataset(

print("Errors: ", task.errors())
print("Result: ", task.result())

Get a batch

Batches are accessible via an object of the Project class.

# get a project
project = client.get_project("<project_id>")

# get the batches (returns a paginated collection of Batch objects)
batches = project.batches()

# get one batch
batch = next(batches)

# inspect all batches
for batch in batches:
# for ease of use, you can convert the paginated collection to a list

You can also use the following without a project object.

project_id = "<project_id>"
batch_id = "<batch_id>"

batch = client.get_batch(project_id=project_id, batch_id=batch_id)


Export the data rows

You can export the details of the data rows of one or multiple batches.
By filtering the result, you can obtain a list of global keys or data row ids.

# Define the parameters for the export
export_params = {
    "attachments": True,
    "metadata_fields": True,
    "data_row_details": True,
    "batch_ids": [batch.uid]  # Include batch ID(s)

filters = {}

export_task = project.export(params=export_params, filters=filters)

if export_task.has_errors():
    	.start(stream_handler=lambda error: print(error))
if export_task.has_result():
  stream = export_task.get_buffered_stream()

  # To export all the global keys 
  # global_keys = [data_row.json["data_row"]["global_key"] for data_row in stream]

  # To export all the data row ids
  # data_row_ids = [data_row.json["data_row"]["id"] for data_row in stream]

Remove queued data rows

This method removes queued data rows from the batch and consequently the labeling queue of the project.


Delete the labels

This method deletes the labels made on data rows in the batch and re-queues the data rows for labeling.

# alternatively, you can re-queue the data with labels as templates

Delete a batch

If any labels created on data rows in the batch exist, the batch cannot be deleted. You need to first delete the labels made on data rows in the batch, as shown above, before deleting the batch itself.



Get the basics

# name (str)

# created at (datetime)

# updated at (datetime)

# size, the number of data rows in the batch (int)

# project (relationship to Project object)
project = batch.project()