Create a project

Instructions for creating and modifying a labeling project in the app UI.

Developer guide: Create a project via the Python SDK

The project is where you orchestrate all of your labeling operations. Use this guide to learn how to create a project and configure all available project settings.

Create a new project

To create a project via the Labelbox UI, follow these steps:

Note: If you want to create a new project using the settings of an existing project, go to Duplicate a project section instead of starting a new project from the beginning.

Step 1: Start a new project

Under the top-level Annotate page, select New project. This will open a modal where you can configure your project type. Note that you will only be able to attach data rows that match the data type you set here. For example, you cannot select video as the data type upon project creation and then send image data rows to this project later.

After selecting a project type, name your project, optionally enter a description and select the type of data you will be labeling. If creating an LLM data generation project, you will also input a number of data rows to be generated by labelers.

Select the type of data to be labeled.

Step 2: Select a quality setting

After you select the data type and name your project, select one or more quality setting from the following options:

  • Benchmarks: Select benchmarks if you know that each data row you send to this labeling project will only need to be labeled once. Benchmarks allow you to designate, if desired, certain labeled data rows as a gold standard and work as a mechanism for measuring the performance of other labelers.

  • Consensus: Select consensus if you know that each data row will need to be labeled multiple times and, hence, should be labeled by multiple labelers.

You can view the benchmark and consensus score of each data row on the Data Rows tab. If you are not sure where to start, select Benchmarks. You can enable consensus later under Settings > Quality.


Cannot disable selected quality mode

Once you enable one or more quality mode for your project upon project creation or on the settings page, you cannot disable the quality mode afterward.

Step 3: Add project tags (optional)

Configure project tags to enable easier organization and retrieval of the project.

You can also modify your project tags after setting up your project. From the project home page, hover over Tags and select the edit icon to configure your project tags.

Step 4: Add data

Labelbox allows you to send a batch or batches of data rows to a project for labeling. When you click Add data you will be sent to Catalog, where you can select a batch of data rows and send it to the project you are configuring.

In this step, you can filter and search your data rows to curate a batch. Select the data rows you wish to send to the project, then select Queue batch of n to add the data rows to the labeling queue.

Step 5: Submit batch

Next, you will have the option to configure the data row priority settings. Select Submit to send this batch to your labeling project.

Step 6: Configure the editor / attach an ontology

The final required step is to select the labeling interface (editor) that your project will use. To learn more about the various editors available, see our docs on labeling editors.

When you select Standard Editor, you will see a screen that lists all ontologies in your organization that match your project's data type. Select the best ontology for your project or create a new ontology. For instructions on creating an ontology, see Working with ontologies.

Duplicate a project

In addition to creating new projects from scratch, you can now duplicate an existing project with its settings.

You can clone a project in two places:

  1. By clicking on the three dots on the right side of any project in the Annotate page.

  1. From the dropdown menu within an existing opened project.

Below are the settings that can get copied when you Duplicate a project:

SettingCopied when cloned
Project Name
Project Tags
Project Description
Data rows
Workflow instructions/setup
Issue Categories
Members (settings)
External workforces
Models (for Live multimodal chat projects)

After cloning a project and verifying the settings, you can add data rows as shown in Step 4: Add data.

Once you finish these steps, the Start labeling button will be activated.

Choose human workforce configuration

Option 1: Boost Workforce

Many customers need to use a dedicated external data labeling team. Labelbox offers a premium data labeling service integrated tightly into the Labelbox Annotate platform. See Boost Workforce for more details.

Option 2: Internal data labeling team

To learn how to invite, set up, and manage your own data labeling team, see Manage members.

Modify project settings

To update project settings, go to the Settings tab from with a project.

Any time during the life of a data labeling project, you can easily update key project settings. Below are the most common things you will likely need to update:

  1. Add or remove data rows.
  2. Update the ontology.
  3. Manage the team members assigned to a project.
  4. Configure webhooks.

Delete a project

A project can only be deleted by an organization-wide admin. To delete a project, go to Settings > Danger zone, and proceed with the deletion.



Deleting a project will also delete all the annotations that have been submitted for a project.