Media attributes

Media attributes include any metadata about the Data Row (e.g., width, height, MIME type, etc).

Get data row media attributes

Use the dataRow query to get all available media attributes for a Data Row.

dataRow.idData Row of the asset (media) to query.
mediaAttributesThis will return the available attributes for the specified Data Row.




Not all fields are guaranteed to be present and payload may differ based on asset type.

FieldAsset typeTypeDescription
mimeTypeVideo, Image, Text, Tiled imageryStringMedia type. Will be one of the following:

- video/mp4

- image/jpeg

- text/plain

- application/x-tms-geo (tiled imagery: EPSG3857)

- application/x-tms-simple (tiled imagery: Simple)

- application/json (other)
widthVideo, ImageIntImage or frame width in pixels
heightVideo, ImageIntImage or frame height in pixels.
codecVideoStringIndicates the video compression standard.
durationVideoIntDuration of the video in seconds.
frameRateVideoIntFrame rate per second
frameCountVideoIntNumber of frames in the video.
query GetDataRowMediaAttributes {
  dataRow (where: {id: "<DATAROW_ID>"}) {
// Sample response: video
  "data": {
    "dataRow": {
      "mediaAttributes": {
        "codec": "avc1",
        "width": 1920,
        "height": 1080,
        "duration": 10,
        "mimeType": "video/mp4",
        "frameRate": 10,
        "frameCount": 100
// Sample response: image
  "data": {
    "dataRow": {
      "mediaAttributes": {
        "width": 3872,
        "height": 2592,
        "mimeType": "image/jpeg"
// Sample response: text
  "data": {
    "dataRow": {
      "mediaAttributes": {
        "mimeType": "text/plain"
// Sample response: tiled imagery
  "data": {
    "dataRow": {
      "mediaAttributes": {
        "mimeType": "application/x-tms-geo"