Upload video predictions

How to upload predictions on video data in a model run and sample upload formats.

Supported annotations

To upload predictions in Labelbox, you need to create a predictions payload. In this section, we provide this payload for every supported prediction type.


Uploading confidence scores is optional

If you do not specify a confidence score, the prediction will be treated as if it had a confidence score of 1. Note that confidence scores are not supported for VideoObjectAnnotation objects.

Nested ClassificationAnnotation objects inside of a VideoObjectAnnotation can still have a confidence score.

Bounding box

# bbox dimensions bbox_dm = { "top":617, "left":1371, "height":419, "width":505 } bbox_prediction = [ lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "bbox_video", keyframe=True, frame=13, segment_index=0, value = lb_types.Rectangle( start=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm["left"], y=bbox_dm["top"]), # x = left, y = top end=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm["left"] + bbox_dm["width"], y=bbox_dm["top"] + bbox_dm["height"]), # x= left + width , y = top + height ) ), lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "bbox_video", keyframe=True, frame=15, segment_index=0, value = lb_types.Rectangle( start=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm["left"], y=bbox_dm["top"]), end=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm["left"] + bbox_dm["width"], y=bbox_dm["top"] + bbox_dm["height"]), ) ), lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "bbox_video", keyframe=True, frame=19, segment_index=0, value = lb_types.Rectangle( start=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm["left"], y=bbox_dm["top"]), end=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm["left"] + bbox_dm["width"], y=bbox_dm["top"] + bbox_dm["height"]), ) ) ]
# bbox dimensions bbox_dm = { "top":617, "left":1371, "height":419, "width":505 } bbox_prediction_ndjson = { "name" : "bbox_video", "segments" : [{ "keyframes" : [ { "frame": 13, "bbox" : bbox_dm }, { "frame": 15, "bbox" : bbox_dm }, { "frame": 19, "bbox" : bbox_dm } ] } ] }


point_prediction = [ lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "point_video", keyframe=True, frame=17, value = lb_types.Point(x=660.134, y=407.926), ) ]
point_prediction_ndjson = { "name": "point_video", "confidence": 0.5, "segments": [{ "keyframes": [{ "frame": 17, "point" : { "x": 660.134 , "y": 407.926 } }] }] }


polyline_prediction = [ lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "line_video_frame", keyframe=True, frame=5, segment_index=0, value=lb_types.Line( points=[lb_types.Point(x=680, y=100), lb_types.Point(x=100, y=190)] ) ), lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "line_video_frame", keyframe=True, frame=12, segment_index=0, value=lb_types.Line( points=[lb_types.Point(x=680, y=100), lb_types.Point(x=100, y=190)] ) ), lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "line_video_frame", keyframe=True, frame=20, segment_index=0, value=lb_types.Line( points=[lb_types.Point(x=680, y=100), lb_types.Point(x=100, y=190)] ) ), lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "line_video_frame", keyframe=True, frame=24, segment_index=1, value=lb_types.Line( points=[lb_types.Point(x=680, y=100), lb_types.Point(x=100, y=190)] ) ), lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "line_video_frame", keyframe=True, frame=45, segment_index=1, value=lb_types.Line( points=[lb_types.Point(x=680, y=100), lb_types.Point(x=100, y=190)] ) ) ]
polyline_prediction_ndjson = { "name": "line_video_frame", "segments": [ { "keyframes": [ { "frame": 5, "line": [{ "x": 680, "y": 100 },{ "x": 100, "y": 190 },{ "x": 190, "y": 220 }] }, { "frame": 12, "line": [{ "x": 680, "y": 280 },{ "x": 300, "y": 380 },{ "x": 400, "y": 460 }] }, { "frame": 20, "line": [{ "x": 680, "y": 180 },{ "x": 100, "y": 200 },{ "x": 200, "y": 260 }] } ] }, { "keyframes": [ { "frame": 24, "line": [{ "x": 300, "y": 310 },{ "x": 330, "y": 430 }] }, { "frame": 45, "line": [{ "x": 600, "y": 810 },{ "x": 900, "y": 930 }] } ] } ] }

Classification: Radio (global)

global_radio_prediction = [lb_types.ClassificationAnnotation( name="radio_class_global", value=lb_types.Radio(answer = lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name = "first_radio_answer", confidence=0.5 )) )]
global_radio_classification_ndjson = { "name": "radio_class_global", "answer": { "name": "first_radio_answer", "confidence": 0.5} }

Classification: Radio (frame-based)

radio_prediction = [ lb_types.VideoClassificationAnnotation( name="radio_class", frame=9, segment_index=0, value=lb_types.Radio(answer = lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name = "first_radio_answer", confidence=0.5 )) ), lb_types.VideoClassificationAnnotation( name="radio_class", frame=15, segment_index=0, value=lb_types.Radio(answer = lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name = "first_radio_answer", confidence=0.5 )) ) ]
frame_radio_classification_prediction_ndjson = { "name": "radio_class", "answer": { "name": "first_radio_answer", "frames": [{"start": 9, "end": 15}]} }

Classification: Checklist (global)

global_checklist_prediction=[lb_types.ClassificationAnnotation( name="checklist_class_global", value=lb_types.Checklist( answer = [ lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name = "first_checklist_answer", confidence=0.5 ), lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name = "second_checklist_answer", confidence=0.5 ) ] ) )]
global_checklist_classification_ndjson = { "name": "checklist_class_global", "answer": [ { "name": "first_checklist_answer" , "confidence": 0.5}, { "name": "second_checklist_answer", "confidence": 0.5} ] }

Classification: Checklist (frame-based)

checklist_prediction= [ lb_types.VideoClassificationAnnotation( name="checklist_class", frame=29, segment_index=0, value=lb_types.Checklist( answer = [ lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name = "first_checklist_answer", confidence=0.5 ) ] ) ), lb_types.VideoClassificationAnnotation( name="checklist_class", frame=35, segment_index=0, value=lb_types.Checklist( answer = [ lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name = "first_checklist_answer", confidence=0.5 ) ] ) ), lb_types.VideoClassificationAnnotation( name="checklist_class", frame=39, segment_index=1, value=lb_types.Checklist( answer = [ lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name = "second_checklist_answer", confidence=0.5 ) ] ) ), lb_types.VideoClassificationAnnotation( name="checklist_class", frame=45, segment_index=1, value=lb_types.Checklist( answer = [ lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name = "second_checklist_answer", confidence=0.5 ) ] ) ) ]
frame_checklist_classification_prediction_ndjson = { "name": "checklist_class", "answer": [ { "name": "first_checklist_answer" , "frames": [{"start": 29, "end": 35 }]}, { "name": "second_checklist_answer", "frames": [{"start": 39, "end": 45 }]} ] }

Classification: Nested radio (global)

nested_radio_prediction =[lb_types.ClassificationAnnotation( name="nested_radio_question", value=lb_types.Radio( answer=lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name="first_radio_answer", confidence=0.5 , classifications=[ lb_types.ClassificationAnnotation( name="sub_radio_question", value=lb_types.Radio( answer=lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name="first_sub_radio_answer", confidence=0.5 ) ) ) ] ) ) )]
nested_radio_prediction_ndjson = { "name": "nested_radio_question", "answer": {"name": "first_radio_answer", "confidence": 0.5, "classifications" : [ {"name": "sub_radio_question", "answer": {"name": "first_sub_radio_answer", "confidence": 0.5}} ] } }

Classification: Nested checklist (global)

nested_checklist_prediction = [lb_types.ClassificationAnnotation( name="nested_checklist_question", value=lb_types.Checklist( answer=[lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name="first_checklist_answer", confidence=0.5 , classifications=[ lb_types.ClassificationAnnotation( name="sub_checklist_question", value=lb_types.Checklist( answer=[lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name="first_sub_checklist_answer", confidence=0.5 )] )) ] )] ) )]
nested_checklist_prediction_ndjson = { "name": "nested_checklist_question", "answer": [{ "name": "first_checklist_answer", "confidence": 0.5, "classifications" : [ { "name": "sub_checklist_question", "answer": {"name": "first_sub_checklist_answer", "confidence": 0.5} } ] }] }

Bounding box with sub-classifications (frame-based)

bbox_dm2 = { "top": 146.0, "left": 98.0, "height": 382.0, "width": 341.0 } frame_bbox_with_checklist_subclass_prediction = [ lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "bbox_class", keyframe=True, frame=10, segment_index=0, value = lb_types.Rectangle( start=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm2["left"], y=bbox_dm2["top"]), # x = left, y = top end=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm2["left"] + bbox_dm2["width"], y=bbox_dm2["top"] + bbox_dm2["height"]), # x= left + width , y = top + height ) ), lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "bbox_class", keyframe=True, frame=11, segment_index=0, value = lb_types.Rectangle( start=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm2["left"], y=bbox_dm2["top"]), end=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm2["left"] + bbox_dm2["width"], y=bbox_dm2["top"] + bbox_dm2["height"]), ), classifications=[ lb_types.ClassificationAnnotation( name='checklist_class', value=lb_types.Checklist(answer=[lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name="first_checklist_answer", confidence=0.5 )]) ) ] ), lb_types.VideoObjectAnnotation( name = "bbox_class", keyframe=True, frame=13, segment_index=0, value = lb_types.Rectangle( start=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm2["left"], y=bbox_dm2["top"]), end=lb_types.Point(x=bbox_dm2["left"] + bbox_dm2["width"], y=bbox_dm2["top"] + bbox_dm2["height"]), ), classifications=[ lb_types.ClassificationAnnotation( name='checklist_class', value=lb_types.Checklist(answer=[lb_types.ClassificationAnswer( name="second_checklist_answer", confidence=0.5 )]) ) ] ) ]
frame_bbox_with_checklist_subclass_prediction_ndjson = { "name": "bbox_class", "segments": [{ "keyframes": [ { "frame": 10, "bbox": bbox_dm2 }, { "frame": 11, "bbox": bbox_dm2, "classifications": [ { "name": "bbox_radio", "answer": [{"name": "first_checklist_answer", "confidence": 0.5}] } ] }, { "frame": 13, "bbox": bbox_dm2, "classifications": [ { "name": "bbox_radio", "answer": [{"name": "second_checklist_answer", "confidence": 0.5}] } ] } ] } ] }


text_prediction = [lb_types.ClassificationAnnotation( name="free_text", # must match your ontology feature's name value=lb_types.Text(answer="sample text", confidence=0.5) )]
text_prediction_ndjson = { 'name': 'free_text', 'confidence': 0.5, 'answer': 'sample text', }


Raster segmentation masks are not yet supported in the Model product.

End-to-end example: Upload predictions to a Model Run

Follow the steps below to upload predictions to a model run.

Before you start

You will need to import these libraries to use the code examples in this section:

import labelbox as lb import uuid

Replace the value of API_KEY with a valid API key to connect to the Labelbox client.

API_KEY = None client = lb.Client(API_KEY)

Step 1: Import data rows into Catalog

global_key = "sample-video-2.mp4" test_img_url = { "row_data": "https://storage.googleapis.com/labelbox-datasets/video-sample-data/sample-video-2.mp4", "global_key": global_key } dataset = client.create_dataset( name="Video prediction demo", iam_integration=None # Removing this argument will default to the organziation's default iam integration ) task = dataset.create_data_rows([test_img_url]) task.wait_till_done() print("Errors: ",task.errors) print("Failed data rows: ",task.failed_data_rows)

Step 2: Create/select an ontology for your model predictions

Your project should have the correct ontology setup with all the tools and classifications supported for your predictions and the tool and classifications name should match the name fields in your predictions to ensure the correct feature schemas are matched.

ontology_builder = lb.OntologyBuilder( tools=[ lb.Tool(tool=lb.Tool.Type.BBOX, name="bbox_video"), lb.Tool(tool=lb.Tool.Type.POINT, name="point_video"), lb.Tool(tool=lb.Tool.Type.LINE, name="line_video_frame"), lb.Tool( tool=lb.Tool.Type.BBOX, name="bbox_class", classifications=[ lb.Classification( class_type=lb.Classification.Type.CHECKLIST, name="checklist_class", scope = lb.Classification.Scope.INDEX, ## defined scope for frame classifications options=[ lb.Option(value="first_checklist_answer"), lb.Option(value="second_checklist_answer") ] ) ] ) ], classifications=[ lb.Classification( class_type=lb.Classification.Type.CHECKLIST, name="checklist_class", scope = lb.Classification.Scope.INDEX, ## defined scope for frame classifications options=[ lb.Option(value="first_checklist_answer"), lb.Option(value="second_checklist_answer") ] ), lb.Classification( class_type=lb.Classification.Type.RADIO, name="radio_class", scope = lb.Classification.Scope.INDEX, options=[ lb.Option(value="first_radio_answer"), lb.Option(value="second_radio_answer") ] ), lb.Classification( class_type=lb.Classification.Type.RADIO, name="nested_radio_question", options=[ lb.Option("first_radio_answer", options=[ lb.Classification( class_type=lb.Classification.Type.RADIO, name="sub_radio_question", options=[lb.Option("first_sub_radio_answer")] ) ] ) ] ), lb.Classification( class_type=lb.Classification.Type.CHECKLIST, name="nested_checklist_question", options=[ lb.Option("first_checklist_answer", options=[ lb.Classification( class_type=lb.Classification.Type.CHECKLIST, name="sub_checklist_question", options=[lb.Option("first_sub_checklist_answer")] ) ] ) ] ), lb.Classification( class_type=lb.Classification.Type.RADIO, name="radio_class_global", options=[ lb.Option(value="first_radio_answer"), lb.Option(value="second_radio_answer") ] ), lb.Classification( class_type=lb.Classification.Type.CHECKLIST, name="checklist_class_global", options=[ lb.Option(value="first_checklist_answer"), lb.Option(value="second_checklist_answer") ] ), lb.Classification( class_type=lb.Classification.Type.TEXT, name="free_text" ) ] ) ontology = client.create_ontology("Ontology Video Annotations", ontology_builder.asdict(), media_type=lb.MediaType.Video )

Step 3: Create a Model and model run

# create Model model = client.create_model(name="video_model_run_" + str(uuid.uuid4()), ontology_id=ontology.uid) # create model run model_run = model.create_model_run("iteration 1")

Step 4: Send data rows to the model run


Step 5: Create the predictions payload

Create the annotations payload using the snippets of code here.

label_predictions = [] annotations_list = [ point_prediction, bbox_prediction, polyline_prediction, checklist_prediction, radio_prediction, nested_radio_prediction, nested_checklist_prediction, frame_bbox_with_checklist_subclass_prediction, global_radio_prediction, global_checklist_prediction, text_prediction ] flatten_list_annotations = [ann for ann_sublist in annotations_list for ann in ann_sublist] label_predictions.append( lb_types.Label( data={"global_key" : global_key }, annotations = flatten_list_annotations ) )
# Create a Label object by identifying the applicable data row in Labelbox and providing a list of annotations label_prediction_ndjson = [] for annotation in [ point_prediction_ndjson, bbox_prediction_ndjson, polyline_prediction_ndjson, frame_checklist_classification_prediction_ndjson, frame_radio_classification_prediction_ndjson, nested_radio_prediction_ndjson, nested_checklist_prediction_ndjson, frame_bbox_with_checklist_subclass_prediction_ndjson, global_radio_classification_ndjson, global_checklist_classification_ndjson, video_mask_prediction_ndjson, text_prediction_ndjson ]: annotation.update({ "dataRow": { "globalKey": global_key } }) label_prediction_ndjson.append(annotation)

Step 6: Upload the predictions payload to the model run

# Upload the prediction label to the Model Run upload_job_prediction = model_run.add_predictions( name="prediction_upload_job"+str(uuid.uuid4()), predictions=label_predictions) # Errors will appear for annotation uploads that failed. print("Errors:", upload_job_prediction.errors) print("Status of uploads: ", upload_job_prediction.statuses)

Step 7: Send annotations to the model run (optional)

# 7.1 Create a labelbox project # Create a Labelbox project project = client.create_project(name="video_prediction_demo", media_type=lb.MediaType.Video) project.connect_ontology(ontology) # 7.2 Create a batch to send to the project project.create_batch( "batch_video_prediction_demo", # Each batch in a project must have a unique name global_keys=[global_key], # A list of data rows, data row ids or global keys priority=5 # priority between 1(Highest) - 5(lowest) ) # 7.3 create the annotations payload # See here for more details: # https://docs.labelbox.com/reference/import-video-annotations#supported-annotations checklist_annotation ... radio_annotation ... bbox_annotation ... frame_bbox_with_checklist_subclass ... point_annotation ... polyline_annotation ... global_checklist_annotation ... global_radio_annotation ... nested_checklist_annotation ... nested_radio_annotation ... text_annotation ... # 7.4 Create a Label object by identifying the applicable data row in Labelbox and providing a list of annotations labels = [] annotations_list = [ checklist_annotation, radio_annotation, bbox_annotation, frame_bbox_with_checklist_subclass, point_annotation, polyline_annotation, global_checklist_annotation, global_radio_annotation, nested_checklist_annotation, nested_radio_annotation, text_annotation ] flatten_list_annotations = [ann for ann_sublist in annotations_list for ann in ann_sublist] labels.append( lb_types.Label( data={"global_key" : global_key }, annotations = flatten_list_annotations ) ) # 7.5 Upload annotations to the project using Label Import upload_job_annotation = lb.LabelImport.create_from_objects( client = client, project_id = project.uid, name="video_annotations_import_" + str(uuid.uuid4()), labels=labels) upload_job_annotation.wait_until_done() # Errors will appear for annotation uploads that failed. print("Errors:", upload_job_annotation.errors) print("Status of uploads: ", upload_job_annotation.statuses) # Errors will appear for annotation uploads that failed. print("Errors:", upload_job_annotation.errors) # 7.6 Send the annotations to the Model Run # get the labels id from the project model_run.upsert_labels(project_id=project.uid)