Export glossary

Complete list of definitions for the fields included in exports.

Labelbox exports give you more flexibility and control to retrieve the most valuable information from your projects. You can now select and export a subselection of the data rows of most interest based on your predefined or new parameters in the Data Rows tab. You can also export more detailed information from these data rows, and include or exclude relevant attributes in your export. We also simplified and standardized the annotation formats.

For more details on how to create exports, along with complete samples, please view the following pages:

Below is a glossary of the fields that can appear in an export.

Export fields

Labelbox exports aligns with the data-row-centric paradigm, thus every line, regardless of the export time, will include information on each included data row.

data_rowAlwaysA dictionary containing the fields explained the data_row table below.
media_attributesOptionalSee Media attributes
attachmentsOptionalSee Attachments
metadata_fieldsOptionalSee Metadata
embeddingsOptionalA list of dictionaries containing precomputed and custom embeddings


idAlwaysThe ID of the data row.
global_keyIf utilizedThe global key of the data row.
external_idIf utilizedThe external ID of the data row.
row_dataAlwaysThe URL to your cloud-hosted file
detailsOptionalA dictionary containing the fields explained in the details table below. When exporting through the SDK, these fields are included by setting the data_row_details parameter to True.


dataset_idAlwaysThe ID of the dataset to which the data row belongs.
created_atAlwaysA timestamp that indicates when the data row was created.
updated_atAlwaysA timestamp indicating when the data row was most recently updated.
last_activity_atAlways*A timestamp indicating the last time any activity was performed on the data row.
created_byAlwaysThe email address of the user that created the data row.

* The last_activity_at field is not included in exports from a model run.


The projects field contains a dictionary in which the keys are project IDs and the values consist of the fields explained below.

In a project-based export, there will only be a singular project ID in this dictionary. Yet, when exporting from the Catalog, consider that a data row may have been labeled in multiple projects, and thus the dictionary will have multiple keys.

Project IDs are used in favor of project names in order to enforce uniqueness.

project_nameAlwaysThe name of the project in which the data row was labeled.
labelsAlwaysContains a list of dictionaries comprised of the fields explained in the labels table below.
project_detailsOptionalA dictionary containing the fields explained in the project_details table below.


label_kindAlwaysFor labels made on assets of most media types, the value will be Default.

Alternatively, labels made on frame-based assets will have a value of either Video or DICOM, depending on the media type.
versionAlwaysUsed to track updates made to export formats. At present, the value will always be 1.0.0.
idAlwaysThe ID of the label.
label_detailsOptionalA dictionary containing the fields explained in the label_details table below.
performance_detailsOptionalA dictionary containing the fields explained in the performance_details table below.
annotationsAlwaysSee the annotation export formats broken down by asset type, beginning here with images.


created_atAlwaysA timestamp indicating when the label was created.
updated_atAlwaysA timestamp indicating when the label was most recently updated.
created_byAlwaysThe email address of the user that created the label.
reviewsAlways[Legacy] For projects using Workflows for review, please use workflow_history here. Information on the thumbs up/down reviews created on this label. Contains a list of dictionaries comprised of the fields explained in the reviews table below.

reviews(for legacy only)

reviewed_atSituationalA timestamp that indicates when the review was created.
reviewed_bySituationalThe email address of the user that created the review.
review_actionSituationalThe type of review created; either Approve or Reject.


seconds_to_createAlwaysThe number of seconds spent creating the label. After label submission, there could be a 30-minute delay before this field gets updated.
seconds_to_reviewAlwaysThe number of seconds spent reviewing the label. After completing reviewing, there could be a 30-minute delay before this field gets updated.
skippedAlwaysA boolean value expressing whether or not the asset was skipped. A value of true indicates the asset was skipped.
benchmark_reference_labelSituationalThe ID of the "gold standard" benchmark label to which this label is compared.
benchmark_scoreSituationalThe agreement score between the label and the associated benchmark label. After label submission or updates, there could be a 30-minute delay before this field gets updated.
consensus_scoreSituationalThe agreement score between the label and the associated consensus labels made on the same data row. After label submission or updates, there could be a 30-minute delay before this field gets updated.
consensus_label_countSituationalThe number of labels created on this data row in this project.
consensus_labelsSituationalThe IDs of the labels created on this data row in this project.


objectsAlwaysTool annotations (e.g., bounding box, masks, polygon, etc ..)
classificationsAlwaysClassification annotations (radio, checklist)
framesVideos onlyDictionary with per-frame annotations (objects and classifications)
segmentsVideos onlyA dictionary where each key is a feature_id, and the corresponding value is a list of frame numbers representing the range of frames where that feature exists.
key_frame_feature_mapVideos onlyA dictionary where each key is a feature_id, and the corresponding value is a list of frame numbers representing the frames where that feature exists.
feature_idAlwaysUnique identifier for an annotation in a label; this id is also present on all classification answers.
feature_schema_idAlwaysUnique identifier for an ontology tool or classification; this id is also present on all classification answers.
annotation_kindSituationalThe kind of tool utilized by the annotation (e.g. ImageBoundingBox, ImagePolyline)
nameAlwaysName given to the tool or classification
valueAlwaysNormalized name of the tool or classification: if a user creates a tool named "Apple Pear," this field will show the normalized version "apple_pear."


ontology_idAlwaysThe ID of the ontology connected to the project.
task_idAlwaysThe ID of the task the data row currently is in in the project.
task_nameAlwaysThe name of the task the data row currently is in in the project.
batch_idAlwaysThe ID of the batch in which the data row was sent to the project.
batch_nameAlwaysThe name of the batch in which the data row was sent to the project.
workflow_statusAlwaysThe status of the data row in the project (either TO_LABEL, IN_REWORK, IN_REVIEW, or DONE)
priorityAlwaysThe priority assigned to the batch.
selected_label_idIf utilizedThe ID of the label that was selected as the "winner" amongst the labels made on the data row.
consensus_expected_label_countAlwaysThe number of labels that were expected to be created on this data row according to the consensus settings.
workflow_historyAlwaysInformation on the progression of the labeled data row through the project's workflow. Contains a list of dictionaries comprised of the fields explained in the workflow_history table below.


actionAlwaysThe action that was performed on the data row in this specific step.
Typical actions are:

Move : change of task queue

Acceptor Reject: selection of a review score

Rework: follows Reject
created_atAlwaysA timestamp that indicates when this action on the data row occurred.
created_byAlwaysThe email address of the user that performed this action.
previous_task_nameSituationalThe name of the workflow task in which the data row began this action.
previous_task_idSituationalThe ID of the workflow task in which the data row began this action.
next_task_nameSituationalThe name of the workflow task in which the data row concluded this action.
next_task_idSituationalThe ID of the workflow task in which the data row concluded this action.


The experiments field contains a dictionary in which the keys are model experiment IDs, and the values consist of the name and a dictionary of model runs.

In a model-based export, only a singular model ID will be in this dictionary. Yet, when exporting from the Catalog, consider that a data row may be included in multiple models, and thus the dictionary will have multiple keys.

Model experiment IDs are used in favor of model names to enforce uniqueness.

nameAlwaysThe name of the model in which the data row appears.
runsAlwaysA dictionary where the keys are the IDs of the model runs in which the data row appears.


The model runs field contains a dictionary in which the keys are model run IDs, and the values consist of the fields explained below.

Model run IDs are used in favor of model run names to enforce uniqueness.

nameAlwaysThe name of the model run.
run_data_row_idAlwaysA unique ID for the data row in the context of the model run.
labelsSituationalGround truth annotations can optionally be sent to a model run as labels.

If present, the labels will appear in the same format as in a project-based export, which is detailed in the labels table above, though the optional label_details and performance_details sections are always excluded in the context of a model run.
predictionsOptionalA dictionary containing the fields explained in the predictions table below.
splitSituationalThe value will be included if the data row is assigned to a split. The potential outputs are Training, Validation, orTest.
When exporting through the SDK, these fields are included by setting the model_run_details parameter to True.


label_kindAlwaysFor labels made on assets of most media types, the value will be Default.

Alternatively, labels made on frame-based assets will have a value of either Video or DICOM, depending on the media type.
versionAlwaysUsed to track updates made to export formats. At present, the value will always be 1.0.0.
idAlwaysThe ID of the set of predictions.
annotationsAlwaysSee the annotation export formats broken down by asset type, beginning here with images.