
A Review is an assessment of a Label by a human reviewer.

Enable review step

Use the upsertReviewQueue mutation to enable the review step for a project and specify the percentage of assets that should be reviewed.

quotaFactorFloatA value between 0 and 1 that represents the percentage of asset from the project to review.
mutation UpsertReviewQueue (
    $projectId: ID!,
    $quotaFactor: Float!) {
    upsertReviewQueue (where: {
        project: {
            id: $projectId
     data: {quotaFactor: $quotaFactor}) {

Disable review step

Use the deleteReviewQueue mutation to disable the review step for a specific project.

mutation DeleteReviewQueue ($projectId: ID!) {
    deleteReviewQueue (where: {
        project: {
            id: $projectId
    }) {