Boost Workforce Express

Self-serve subscriptions can use Boost Workforce Express to request help labeling data.

Boost Workforce Express provides self-service paid subscriptions, such as Starter, with a labeling team designed to help label data rows.

To use Boost Workforce Express, begin by using Annotate to create and set up a new project. Once the project is created, you can request up to fifteen (15) labelers to work on your data.

Note: Boost Workforce Express is a subscription account benefit distinct from Labelbox Boost Workforce, a benefit available to Enterprise and annual subscriptions.

Set up Boost Workforce Express

To use Boost Express, you need to:

  1. Import your data into a Catalog dataset.
  2. Create an ontology for your project.
  3. Use Annotate to create and set up a project.
  4. Select the data to be labeled and then add the selected batch to your project.

Detailed walkthrough

When you create a new Annotate project, the Overview tab summarizes next steps:

  1. Use Add data to add data rows to your your project; this activates the Set up button.

  2. Select Set up and then define the ontology for your project.

    When you save your changes, the Start button activates.

    The Need help labeling? section introduces Boost Workforce Express and provides a button to request labeling help.

  3. Select Request Boost Express to request your labeling team.

    When you do this, you're prompted to add instructions for your labeling team.

  4. Next, enter instructions for your labeling team. You can type directly into the editor or use the Add button to upload a file. Select Save when finished.

  5. When you return to the Overview tab, you're ready to Complete Payment. Select this button.

  6. On the Checkout screen, set Qty to the number of people you want in your team.

    Each person is available for one week; availability begins when the workforce is activated and expires five business days later.

    Note that your current payment details are selected by default. Verify and update these as needed. Select Pay to continue.

When payment is complete (and confirmed), the process continues behind the scenes. Use the Notifications tab to review updates.

Team size and Quantity

When you sign up or renew Boost Workforce Express, you need to select a quantity (Qty). This sets the size of your team, as in the number of labelers to be hired.

To determine an appropriate team size:

  1. Calculate the total number of hours of work required to perform your work.
  2. Divide that value by 40, rounding up.

This is the team size you need and the value you should select for Qty.

The minimum team size is one (1) person for one week (40 hours). You can select up to fifteen team members. (If you need a larger team, contact Sales.)

Ongoing projects require additional payments as each payment is consumed. (You can adjust team size when renewing payments.)