Export predictions
Describes how to export Foundry predictions and the options you can choose while doing so.
You can export Foundry predictions for use outside of the Labelbox platform.
The Labelbox app provides different places to select data rows for export. You can use:
- Catalog to search for data rows with predictions
- Model to select predictions made during specific model runs
- Annotate to select data rows associated with a project
Once you've selected data rows, you can export them:
From the Selection menu, choose Export v2.
Use the Export panel to set options for the results.
Select the Export JSON button to build the export results.
Wait for the results to process. Use the Notification panel to follow progress.
Download the results.
You can also use the All data menu to quickly export all data within a given view.

Export options
When you export predictions, an Export panel lists available options that vary according to the context of the export requests. Exporting from Catalog displays different options than exporting from Model or Annotate.
You can choose to:
Select or deselect all current choices
Include one or more detail field sets:
Detail type What's included Data row details dataset_id
Metadata metadata_fields
Attachments attachments
Project details ontology_id
Performance details seconds_to_create
Label details created_at
Interpolated frames Applies to video assets only; select to include interpolated frames; otherwise, only keyframes are included. Model run details runs
Predictions predictions
Export labels from projects containing the selected data rows
Export labels and predictions from model runs
The data row media type reported in the results
You can use the Code sample button to view a sample Python script to download your export results based on the selected options.
View export progress
Use the Notifications Center to view prediction export progress.

Download results
When your export results are ready, use the Download link in the Notification Center to download them.
When you do this, the Download results prompt appears.

To download your export results, you can use:
Your browser to download results to a local file.
Results are downloaded immediately in a synchronous process. If you close the browser before the download completes, your download will be incomplete.
Use the Download button to start the process.
The SDK to download the results.
The Download results panel provides a sample script you can use to download results outside of your browser. This is a good choice for large datasets because they can handled in a background process.
Use the Copy button to save the sample script to the Clipboard.
You need Labelbox API key to run the script.
Updated 7 months ago