Roles and permissions

Describes user roles and permissions for workspaces, projects, and groups.

Each Labelbox account belongs to an organization. Each organization can have one or multiple workspaces, and each workspace consists of members with different roles and permissions.

To learn how to add members and manage their roles and permissions, see Add members to a project

Member roles

Members roles can be assigned to individual members or groups, which consist of members that share the same project assignments whose permissions can be managed together. Member roles can be set to the following scopes:

Workspace-wideCan access all projects with their default role. This role can't be overridden at the project level.
Project-based using GroupsCan access all projects assigned to their group. They inherit their role from the Default role in their user profile.
Project-based using manual assignmentCan be manually assigned to specific projects. Admins can specify their user role, or it will be inherited from the Default role in their user profile.
Custom RoleCan be customized by selecting from available permissions. Allows granular control.

Workspace-wide roles and project-based roles are mutually exclusive. A member can only have one or the other.

Workspace-wide roles

An workspace-wide role applies to all projects within the workspace. If you have multiple workspaces, users with this role in one workspace can't access projects in other workspaces. This role allows members access to all projects and can't be restricted at the project level.

Workspace-wide roles have the following default types and permissions:

PermissionAdminRead-only AdminData AdminReviewerProject LeadTeam ManagerLabeler
View datasets in Catalog
Import data/create new datasets in Catalog
Apply filters in Catalog
Create slices in Catalog
Create new batches
Rename a batch
Delete batches
Remove queued labels from a batch
Delete non-queued labels from a batch
Create/modify ontologies
Create/modify/delete projects
Invite new members to an organization
View projects and labelsown only
Add/modify members on a project
Create/modify labelsown only(Except in Rework task)
Review labelsown only
Add a data row as a benchmark
Receive benchmark data rows for labeling
Delete labels
View own & team's performance metricsown onlyown only
resolve/reopen issues
Issues & comments set at project-level
Create/update/delete commentsIssues & comments set at project-level
Create an export
Models - full access
View Models
Access the Workflow tab in projects
Move data rows between steps
View users across workspaces

Project-based roles

Project-based roles are assigned on a project-by-project basis. They can be assigned using the groups feature or manual assignment. Once set, the member's organization role can't be modified.

Project-wide roles have the following types and permissions:

PermissionProject-based project leadProject-based team managerProject-based reviewerProject-based labeler
Import data/create new datasets
Create new batches
Rename a batch
Delete batches
Remove queued labels from a batch
Delete non-queued labels from a batch
Edit projects
Invite new members to an organization
Add/modify existing org members on a project
Create/modify labelsown only(Except in Rework task)
Review labelsown only
Add a data row as a benchmark
Receive benchmark data rows for labeling
Delete labels
View own & team's performance metricsown onlyown only
Create an export
Create issueson own assets only
Update/delete issuesown onlyown onlyown onlyon own assets only
Resolve/Reopen issuesown only
Create/update/delete commentson own assets only
Access the Workflow tab
Move data rows between steps

Custom roles

In addition to selecting a default role, admins can define custom roles at project level by selecting from the following permissions:

AdminAdd new members to the organization
Access and interact with the API
Cancel ongoing tasks
Create new API keys for accessing services
Delete members from an org
Manage webhooks for the system
Modify the membership of projects or organizations
Modify organizational membership details
Modify the organization’s profile
Refresh organization entitlements
Remove members from projects or organizations
View performance metrics
View project or organization members
View project settings
View user groups
Manage workspaces within the system
AnnotateClear all reservations made within the system
Create new batches for processing data
Create new benchmarks for performance evaluation
Create export tasks for data
Create comments on issues
Create new labels for data
Create prediction tasks or models
Create new projects
Create updates for projects
Create reviews for tasks or projects
Delete benchmarks
Delete labels
Delete a project
Detach datasets from projects or tasks
Manage data collections
Manage categories for issues
Change the status of issues
Modify ontologies
Modify the consensus settings of a project
Modify project settings
Change the status of projects
Modify the workflow of projects
View all labels within the system
View benchmarks
View custom metadata
View ontologies
View comments on issues made by others
View labels created by other users
View your own comments on issues
View labels created by you
View your own performance metrics
View project details
View project consensus settings
View datasets associated with a project
View external organizations associated with a project
View the project’s labeling interface
View the workflow of projects
View the reporting dashboard
View the schema tab
View webhooks
Clear your own reservations within the system
CatalogCreate new datasets within the system
Create IAM (Identity and Access Management) integrations
Create slices of data for analysis
Delete individual data rows
Delete datasets from the system
Delete IAM (Identity and Access Management) integrations
Modify batches of data rows
Modify datasets within the system
Modify IAM integrations
Upload files to the system
View batches of dataå
View the data catalog
View datasets within the system
ModelDelete model diagnostics
Delete prediction tasks or models
Manage model configurations
Modify model diagnostics
View model diagnostics

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